
Larger than Life


027 - Operation Wake-up Call (MILSPOUSE FEB07)

Whole Body

This whole body workout for the home or on the road. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (Military Spouse Magazine. February 2007)


022 - Operation Back to Basics pt 3 - Advanced Level (GX 4.2)

Core, Upper Body, Whole Body

Looking for an advanced workout? This is the final chapter of the Back to Basic series. Guaranteed to help you burn 600 calories in 60 minutes. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, February 2006)


029 - Operation Trail After Trail - Summer Challenge (MILSPOUSE JUN07)

Hiking, Special Features, Whole Body

A lower body workout to prepare you for the hiking season. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (Military Spouse Magazine, June 2007)


039 - Team START pt1 Whole Body Weeks 1-4 (GX 4.8)

Getting Started, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)


040 - Team START pt2 Whole Body Weeks 5-8 (GX 4.9)

Fitness, Getting Started, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)


061 - Leaps and Bounds pt1 Plyometric Training (GX 6.1)

Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Fitness, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)


050 - OPF2F article WA ARNG (GX 5.5)

Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Clint Wood (GX Magazine, July 2008)


042 - Quick Fix pt1 Weight Training (GX 4.10)

Fitness, Strength Training, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)


049 - OPF2F article MS ARNG (GX 5.4)

Getting Started, Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Clint Wood (GX Magazine, May 2008)


032 - Strong to the Core (Backpacker AUG05)

Core, Hiking, Lower Body, Whole Body

Looking for the core training to help you blaze the trails? This eight-minute core training program will help you withstand heavy backpacks over rough terrain over long periods of time. By Ken Weichert (Backpacker, August 2005)


028 - Operation Double Time (MILSPOUSE APR07)

Getting Started, Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body

The second level of the Military Spouse Workout Series. This workout is rated intermediate to advanced. (Military Spouse Magazine. April 2007)


016 - Heavy or Not pt1 - Upper Body (GX 3.4)

Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


018 - Heavy or Not pt3 Core training (GX 3.6)

Core, Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


017 - Heavy or Not pt2 - Lower Body (GX 3.5)

Lower Body, Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


015 - Truth About Gym Workouts (GX 3.3)

Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


011 - Sit-up Improvement Training (GX 3.1)

APFT Improvement, Core, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


014 - START Hiking- Training for Half Dome (GX 3.2)

Hiking, Lower Body, Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


013 - Running improvement training (GX 3.2)

Aerobic Conditioning, APFT Improvement, Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


012 - Tubing Tips for Triceps and Biceps (GX 3.2)

Tubing Workouts, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


010 - Tubing Tips for Chest and Shoulders (GX 3.1)

Tubing Workouts, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


007 - Ground Thumper and Four-count Reverse Crunch (GX 2.5)

Getting Started, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)


006 - Flutter Kick and Four-count Push-up (GX 2.4)

Core, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)


073 - Joint Forces Urban Challenge 2009 (GX 6.6)

Aerobic Conditioning, APFT Improvement, Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Fitness, Overall conditioning, Special Features, Strength Training, Whole Body

By Clint Wood (GX Magazine, 2009)


078 - Operation Rapid Response (WWE Magazine)

Athletic Conditioning, Core, Fitness, Getting Started, Overall conditioning, Special Features, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (WWE Magazine)


080 - Operation Back to Basics (GX 7.2)

Athletic Conditioning, Core, Fitness, Getting Started, Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2010)


“Motivation; the key thing that guided me. Your class also taught me about fitness and how it can improve not only my body but also the way I think. I also was taught the meaning of resilience. Optimism was a huge concept you got through my head. Strength of character was the main thing I focused on.”
- Deschun, age 17